I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God [with faith and humility] like a child will not enter it at all.

Luke 18:17 (AMP)


People who pray carry hope in their hearts.

They are led by the inner witness of the Spirit to rest and surrender everything in God’s perfect love. This is not to say they do not struggle with doubt or fear, but they choose to pray despite how they feel.

Difficult times can either erode or empower our faith.

We need to learn that we live somewhere between the now and not yet. Not all things are perfect yet, but God will work all things together for our good and His glory. In the light of these conflicting realities, we pray for God to journey with us as we wait for Him to make everything new. This frees us to pray with much boldness and imagination.

Children do not lack boldness or imagination. They dare to ask for whatever they desire, trusting that God will do right by them. Somehow, we have forgotten to pray like a well-loved child of God. This could be the reason we find prayer difficult. We must learn to pray again with humility and simplicity. Since our Father knows our needs, then there is nothing to keep us from asking Him.

When we hope and pray with childlike faith, we are taking God at His word. Behind every God-given promise is a provision. In this sense, we always have a divine advantage because we know we already blessed with everything in Christ. Instead of despairing at the overwhelming odds against us, we live to embrace the reality that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us.