Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10 (ESV)
Cultivating the habit of renewing our minds through God's word leads to a renewal of faith. This in turn, restores us to our first love for God and increases our awareness of God's active presence and what He may be calling us to do.
Everything we do with God must begin with prayer and continue with prayer. This enables us to discern and seek out where God is already at work in our city and community, as well as collaborate with Him to fulfil His kingdom purpose. God wants to see deep change and transformation over the lives of the many, and He invites us to join Him in His work to redeem the broken, lost and wounded.
We pray as we work, and work as we pray.
This mindset will create momentum, keeping us moving forward in faith and confidence. If all of us are intentional to hear Jesus and do what He says—that momentum will grow into a movement, and that movement will become a revolution. That revolution will inspire and lead a new generation of sons and daughters to transform other cities and communities for the glory of God.
What is God saying to me here and what must I do?