My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27 (ESV)


Jesus said that if you are His sheep, you do hear His voice.

Active listening helps you recognize His voice when He speaks. It not only guards your faith but also shields you from every false way. It is not difficult to listen to Jesus and do what He says since He has already given you His Holy Spirit to dwell within you. After all, active listening marks us as true sons and daughters of God, for we are always ready and willing to do our Father’s will.

The Holy Spirit knows God and seeks to reveal to you who you are and what you have in Christ. He is always prompting and directing you towards God and His Word. In the other words, if you say you can’t hear God, it is not that He has stopped speaking, but because you are not listening carefully.

Active listening involves listening with all our senses.

We not only listen with our ears, but also with our hearts.

The more we listen, the clearer we hear the voice of God, leaving no room for ambiguity or confusion. Then our desire to enjoy God will increase more and more, leading us to obey God in all things with unwavering faith and boldness. Our Father will not only give us grace, but grace upon grace, to listen and live as He commands. When we do so, He will make all things become possible for our good and His glory.