But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
1 Corinthians 16:8-9 (ESV)
The devil seeks to keep the lost from getting saved and the saved from becoming fruitful. We must thus continue to stay vigilant in our prayers because we are well aware of his schemes. If we remain ignorant of his strategy and weapons of warfare, we will not have the strength to resist him and prevail.
While the Apostle Paul discerns the opportunities to proclaim the gospel in new regions, he also foresees the oppositions coming against him. However, Paul has the mentality of a conqueror who knows how to exercise his authority in Christ to overcome the adversarial attacks of the Enemy.
You have no less than what Paul has in Christ.
The good news is that you have everything you need to stand your ground and repel Satan and his demons. Our Enemy can only gain the upper hand by making us doubt who we are and what we have in Christ. We will remain unfruitful and ineffective in spiritual warfare if we do not make good use of our spiritual provision that Christ has given us. Moreover, we won't experience the joy of welcoming new people into God's Kingdom.
Jesus has already defeated Satan and given us the authority and mission to enforce His victory in every sphere of influence. You don’t have to fight the devil as if Christ has not completely finished His work, but you withstand him with the full armour of God. You act just like a traffic warden who raises a hand to stop a vehicle. You are able to do it, not because you have the power in yourself, but because you have been given the right and authority to uphold order.
Paul recognised he would have to battle the forces of darkness if he was to spread the light of the gospel to the lost and unreached. While he sees spiritual warfare as inevitable, he also knows the fruits will be good and wonderful. Likewise, do not be afraid when you face resistance, just add persistence in your prayers and God will guide and protect you.