You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful people who will be able to teach others also.

2 Timothy 2:1-2 (NASB)


The term "apostle" comes from the Greek word "apostolos," which literally means "the sent one." In the context of the New Testament, Jesus commissioned the apostles and sent them out with authority and ability to speak and act in His name. However, the responsibility for spreading and sharing the gospel was clearly not limited to them alone, but to all who follow Jesus.

As an apostolic people chosen, called, and commissioned by Jesus, we are to share with others what we have received from Him, witnessing to the reality of the gospel of God's kingdom to those around us. As an apostle, Paul taught and testified to Timothy extensively about the gospel, encouraging him to entrust it to faithful people who will teach others as well. Here, we see the principle of multiplication in action.

God has purposefully placed most of us in the marketplace for His Kingdom purposes. We are sent by Him to do His mission. What exactly is the mission? It is to simply help others to follow Jesus. It starts with fostering meaningful conversations and connections with others, and believing those small steps may lead on to greater things. In Acts, we read of Paul going to the river to find "diaspora Jews" and sharing the gospel with them, as well as meeting with Athenian intellectuals at the Areopagus to present his argument for Christianity.

Pray for opportunities and boldness in proclaiming the gospel and be open to what the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do and act accordingly.