Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

Acts 17:11 (NIV)


The Bereans spent time examining the Scriptures and discerning the truth for themselves. It is something we should be doing because Jesus and the apostles warn us that lies, falsehoods and deceptions will increase and become more difficult to detect. This involves more than just doing a Bible study. We must learn to dwell in God’s Word so that we can withstand the ever-changing wind of false doctrines swirling around us.

We must safeguard the gospel and not compromise its truth.

Keep in mind that every false doctrine distorts and misrepresents the gospel and the character of the Triune God.

All things are already ours in Christ (1 Corinthians 3:21), however, if we do not immerse ourselves in the Scriptures and allow the Spirit to renew our minds, we will feel as if we are missing something. Instead of resting on the truth of what Christ has done for us, we try to fix ourselves through our own efforts. This makes us vulnerable to being misled by persuasive words and hollow promises of human wisdom. In practical sense, we must avoid any teachings that reduces the gospel and God to fit and feed our consumerist mindset.

Deepen your understanding of the gospel and resolve any doubts that you may have concerning faith and eternal salvation. Pray to be strong and steadfast in the truth, rather than having "itching ears" that only hear what you want to hear. Be like the Bereans and use the Scriptures to test and investigate every doctrine and belief.