Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.
Colossians 4:5 (NIV)
If your circle of friends is primarily Christian for any reason, it is good to broaden your friendship base. Learn to build and grow true friendships with your unchurched friends, finding every opportunity to bless and serve them.
What pulls people away from the church is the way we do church. It is often intended for churched people rather than unchurched people. But the good news is that most churched people are friends with unchurched people, and God has strategically placed them in positions of positive influence and impact.
Unchurched people are looking for honest Christians, not perfect ones.
The Apostle Paul advises us to conduct wisely and responsibly, especially if we want to influence and impact our friends and neighbours for Christ. Be open and real to share about your struggles and failings, as well as how you follow God through them. The unchurched will feel safer and more at ease hearing the gospel for what it is when they can see you for who you are and how honest you are with them. This is God's power at work, bringing salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).
Sharing the good news is more than just preaching it; it is also about living it.
This is most helpful because we do not want to make our friendship with the unchurched into a chore or project. That is, we are merely their friends so they can become. Christians. We want to grow a trustworthy relationship that will bless them. True friendship is never based on an agenda. Even if they do not receive Jesus as their personal Saviour, we must continue to care for them and make ourselves available to them. We are trusting God for whatever happened next.