Most important of all, you must sincerely love each other, because love wipes away many sins.
1 Peter 4:8 (CEV)
We live in a culture where far too many individuals are easily offended over the smallest slights and misunderstandings. As believers, we must fortify ourselves against the spirit of offence, which can infiltrate the church family and harm its overall health. Unfortunately, many people have left their churches or resigned from their jobs due to unresolved feelings of anger, hurt and lack of forgiveness. They then carry their resentment and unforgiveness with them, never learning how to overcome an offence.
To be offended is a choice. It is our refusal to walk in love and reconcile with others. We must recognise that most people do not intend to offend us, but the nature of their comment, tone, or way it was delivered struck a sour note. The spirit of offence is a poisonous spirit for the Christian. It is a shackle and a needless burden to carry, and it prevents us from living in the freedom Christ gives to us.
We have no control over how others see or receive us. But sadly, we often let others define our worth and whether we are accepted or feel accepted. In doing so, we are giving them power that they do not have, and we are forgetting how God sees us and what He truly thinks of us.
You should not let the opinions of others determine how you feel about yourself. Consider whether what they say is true. Accept it and continue to grow and thrive. Remember that whatever others think of you is only one aspect of who you are, not the whole sum of you.
Instead of being upset and retaliating against people who have wronged you, channel your energy and time to grow in a good way. Allow love to flow through you and heal the wounds that have been inflicted on you. As Jesus pleaded on the cross, "forgive them, Father, because they know not what they do," so should we when we choose forgiveness over an offence.
Always choose love. Only love can suffer flaws and inadequacies without breaking under the strain. There is no limit to your ability to overcome any offence when you walk in love.