Christ's love has moved me to such extremes. His love has the first and last word in everything we do.
2 Corinthians 5:14 (Message)
Experiencing Christ's love enables us to love Him completely, without reservation or condition. Worship, as a natural response to that love, becomes a daily spontaneous activity, rather than just a Sunday event. Make the most of every opportunity to pursue God's heart, so that you can act and think wisely. You not only help yourself, but you may also make a positive difference in the lives of others.
When we lose sight of how much God loves us, the healthy connection between worship and ministry is lost. We become restless and busy when we choose ministry over intimacy with God. We want to accomplish more and be more, yet we also feel less satisfied and fulfilled. Finally, we may give up ministry and worship altogether.
If this describes you right now, it is good to hear the gospel again and again and allow God to transform and strengthen you with His perfect love again. Returning to our identity allows us to rediscover the freedom of worship and ministry. As we accept our place as God's sons and daughters, we will realise that we are not defined by what we do, but rather what we do is defined by who we are in Christ.
Keep your eyes fixed on Christ who is our first love, for there is no fear or worry when His love reigns supreme in our hearts. Our service is an expression of our worship. Christ's love empowers and expands our capacity and capability to do anything for the glory of God. Because God is the source and sustainer of all things, whatever we do in His Name becomes a blessing.
Ministry is never about doing more for God. When we appreciate and value our partnership with God in our ministry, it takes the pressure off our performance. Allow Christ to work in and through you all day to accomplish His purpose in the lives of others. Then there's genuine tenderness and love in how we minister to others and meet their needs.