God said to Moses, “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

Exodus 3:10-11 (NIV)


Moses had to overcome rejection and self-doubt to follow God's call.

While Moses’ response appears humble, he was letting the pride of his wounded feelings to keep him from obeying God. Moses mistakenly assumes God cannot use to him because of how others perceive him and how he perceives himself. This can be traced back to his past experiences, which led him to hide and withdraw from God and people.

Rejection is what others do to us; self-doubt is what we do to ourselves. These two things, amongst other things, can hinder us from from serving God completely.

We may feel inadequate for the task at hand, but God has not called us to be self- sufficient. Rather, God wants us to lean on Him for everything we need. God knows we are unable to succeed without His help. This is because our approach and attitude can keep us from reaching our full potential.

Too often, we limit God by focussing on our weaknesses rather than His strength. We look at what we can do rather than what God can do through us. It is only by our obedience and willingness to align our hearts with God’s heart that we mature in faith and become fully equipped for every good work.

Can you recall the last time God “nudged” you to do something?

Was it so impossible that you told God that He had chosen the wrong person? Was it so impossible that you asked God to ask someone else? Was it so impossible that you sought confirmation after confirmation, hoping you had misheard God?

Well, Moses tried all the above excuses and none of them worked. We need to have reverence for God's calling and understand the importance of listening to it. Don’t let your fear or failures decide your future with God.