So, you are no longer outsiders or aliens, but fellow citizens with every other Christian—you belong now to the household of God. Firmly beneath you in the foundation, God’s messengers and prophets, the actual foundation-stone being Jesus Christ himself. In Him each separate piece of building, properly fitting into its neighbour, grows together into a temple consecrated to God. You are all part of this building in which God himself lives by his spirit.

Ephesians 2:19-22 (Phillips)


For many of us, finding our place in the church community has been a challenge. We may feel like we do not matter, and we wonder if we are doing anything to have influence. We get caught up in our performance expectations and try to be who we're not in Christ. Then we become critical of ourselves, and we may try to blame others for our failures.

Christ has made it possible for us to truly connect with God and each other. We are no longer strangers or outcasts. Instead, we are fellow citizens with God’s covenant people and members of God’s household. This is not a goal to be attained, but rather a reality that awaits our discovery. And Christ will empower us to build a strong and healthy community when we choose to live out this reality with one another.

The Apostle Paul tells us that God has given us the gift of community so that we can conform into the image of Christ. As each of us individually grows according to the will and word of Christ, we will collectively grow to be more like Him. Nevertheless, if we let selfish individuality and ambitions get in the way of being a part of that community, we lose sight of our purpose and function as members of the body of Christ.

Community is something created by everyone.

No church is perfect; however, when we view the church through the lens of the gospel, it is effective. Learn to see the church as Christ sees it and you will begin to see the beauty of God's people coming together. Rather than finding fault with one another, Christ invites us to celebrate one another.