Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations

Jeremiah 1:5 (ESV)


Learn from the Prophet Jeremiah about the significance of your life and how to discover your destiny in God. When God summoned him to be His prophet to the nations, He made it obvious from the start that He had planned Jeremiah's destiny long before he was born. Even though Jeremiah felt unprepared for the role because he was too young and inexperienced to speak for God, God nonetheless chose him as one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament.

Like Jeremiah who was chosen by God to be His mouthpiece to the nations, we must recognize that God wants us to live and proclaim the gospel to everyone.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.

Matthew 28:19 (ESV)


There is no reason why you cannot be God's agent of transformation and hope in your respective spheres of influence. Even if you believe you have a valid reason why God cannot use you, the truth is that you have not grasp God's grace, which is His power working in and through your weakness. This will cause you to rely on yourself rather than fully trusting God's love and power to fulfil His mission.

It is not always humility or self-deprecation to believe that you are not good enough to serve God. It can be pride that keeps you from accomplishing anything worthwhile in God’s name.

Jeremiah understood how important it was to completely trust and believe in God, especially when faced with challenges and trials. Similarly, no one said it was easy to answer God's call, but when you allow God to direct and guide you, everything becomes much easier. When you choose to pursue God's purpose for your life, you will never be a victim of circumstances, but rather a victor over them.