Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.

Colossians 3:23 (NKJV)


Why do many Christians believe that producing high-quality work at their workplace is essential, but do not apply the same attitude in their service in the church?

Perhaps the problem is more spiritual than circumstantial.

Somehow, we think casual attitude and tardiness in church are acceptable since "we are under grace, and not under law". The truth is that we have no excuse or justification to treat our church work less seriously than our office work, whether we are being paid or volunteering. However, we sometimes hold the opposite viewpoint, believing that what we do in the marketplace is less spiritual than what we do in church.

The Apostle Paul tells us that we do not function from two different work ethics. Rather, we always give our utmost in all that we do because our work in the office or service in the church is our worship to the Lord.

We are to do everything heartily as to the Lord.

The Greek word for "heartily" is psyche which means "the breath of God's life". It is the root word from which we get our English word for psychology. In other words, our Christian "psychology" of work, which includes our attitude, ethics, and value, should reflect the overflowing life and love of God within us.

The Spirit of God who increased the natural ability of Bezalel and Oholiab (cf. Exodus 31) is the same Spirit who bestows on us gifts and graces to use and to accomplish God’s purpose of salvation. Allow God to “breathe” new life and new attitude into us as we go about glorifying Him in our work.