Our journey with God requires us to adjust to the seasons He has set before us. Think of Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Ruth, Esther, and even Jesus himself. They had to continually adjust to God's leading and direction in order to fulfil His call in their lives.

Fear is what causes people to be afraid of change.

"What will my family and friends say?" "What if I heard God wrong?" "How am I to maintain my comfortable lifestyle?" These are some of the things that keep many believers from seizing the opportunities that God has for them. They would rather meander through the same old routine than start a new season.

Do not ever be afraid of change.

The children of Israel delayed God's plan for them by disobeying, and they ended up travelling in circles for the next forty years. Except for Caleb and Joshua, no one from that generation reached their ultimate destination, which is the Promised Land.

Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.

1 Chronicles 12:32 (ESV)


You do yourself no favours by steering your life completely in the opposite direction of God's leading. The sons of Issachar stayed on course due to their "understanding of the times". The Greek word for "times" here is kairos, which signifies "God's appointed time for His purpose".

God’s gift of "kairos" for all of us is best revealed by the finished work of the Cross. As we move forward in faith into His “kairos” season, we receive a fresh start and new beginning with God, where He will transform our fears into favours; futility into fulfillment, and frustration into fruitfulness.