The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’

Romans 8:15 (NIVUK)


We cannot know God without Him.

The Holy Spirit within us enables us to have the mind of Christ, allowing us to discern who God is and who we are in Him. As we walk in the reality of our new life and identity we have received in Christ, we can relate to God in the same way that a child might with their father.

Though God is holy, perfect, and majestic, we are given the right and privilege of calling Him, “Abba Father.” This expression of intimacy and personal love opens the way for us to encounter God and enjoy life with Him. As His Spirit resonates with our spirit, we do not have to try to earn God’s approval or affection but trust Him to continually love us in spite of ourselves. This makes our prayers and worship awesome and exciting because we live with a sense of expectancy that our Father has great things in store for us.

There are many barriers that keeps us from hearing and connecting with God.

Do not let uncertainty, apathy or busyness rob you of your intimacy with God. Rather, learn to rejoice in the Father’s love, and you will encounter the fullness of His love in many profound and beautiful ways. After all, faith works through love (Galatians 5:6). The more we know how much we are loved by God, the more faith we have in God as our sufficiency and source of provision.