Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.

Psalm 103:2 (NIV)


According to the gospel, sin is both a crime to be punished and a disease to be healed. Jesus died to offer forgiveness for our sin, then He rose to life to heal us from our sins and sicknesses (cf. Romans 4:25). We are not only made right with God, but we are also made whole. As we come to understand His finished work, we can learn to receive graciously all that is ours in Christ. Thus, we dare to ask and not be afraid that God won't hear us.

Too often, we talk about sin management instead of grace transformation.

We somehow feel that we must be perfect without sin, while in fact we are made perfect in spite of our sin. Perfectionism leads to an unhealthy spiritual life. This is why many believers are plagued by thoughts of condemnation and guilt because they believe in themselves and their own efforts. We are to put no confidence in the flesh (cf. Philippians 3:3). Rather, we should trust in the Holy Spirit to transform us by grace into the image and likeness of Christ. He will sanctify, purify, and renew our minds so that we might live holy and wholly for Jesus. Our obedience of faith provides us with great power and strength to resist temptation and overcome sin.

Grace gives no excuses to sin. Rather, grace is against sin and by grace we can reign over sin through Christ’s gift of righteousness. You will conquer any sinful habit as you continue to walk in the truth of your freedom from sin in Christ.