Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19 (ESV)
Jesus’ call to proclaim His gospel everywhere is clear. But the sad truth is that many believers won’t go. Often, they assume it takes too much time and effort to engage others with the gospel. This is an obedience issue, not a resource issue. After all, it is a blessing and honour to share with someone the immeasurable riches of Christ's love. In other words, there is nothing wrong with the message, but the problem is the lack of messengers.
Most of the time, people don't care what we believe. They are more interested in how our beliefs affect us and shape our lives. Indeed, the gospel is the supernatural power of God that causes everything to change. So, let's be intentional about weaving the thread of gospel into the fabric of our daily conversations. It is not about being preachy or argumentative. It involves resting in the power of the Holy Spirit to awaken hearts to the reality of life in Christ.
Too often, the good news of the gospel is overshadowed by the bad news of our attitude and behaviour. It is not about being perfect or never failing. It’s about being genuine and loving with our words and actions. It involves listening to others and respecting where they are in their journeys, rather than where you think they should be.
Discipleship and disciple-making begins with relationships.
Jesus tells us to make disciples as we go about our normal days, and trust God to create the opportunity to be salt and light to those around you. It is hardly an inconvenience most of the time. Watch where God is working and join Him. Make it your prayer to ask God for a pair of caring eyes and listening ears and a discerning heart, and He will answer you accordingly.