But God gives us even more grace, as the Scripture says, “God is against the proud, but he gives grace to the humble.”

James 4:6 (ICB)


God always favours us.

Though there is nothing we can do to deserve it, we must be humble to receive it. This is why receiving salvation is a humbling experience — because we are fully depending on God to save us and keep us saved.

Humility comes from the word humus, which means “close to the ground” or to be contrite and lowly in heart. It is to be deeply aware of our need for God and our helplessness to change without His grace, which is His empowering presence working in us.

Scripture is clear that everything we can know about God has been revealed by Him.

God loved us before we were saved, even while we were dead in our sins and still enemies of God in our minds. This is why God is against the proud, not because they lack the knowledge of God, but because they refuse to approach and believe in Him. While God gives grace to everyone, it appears that the proud and haughty do not get grace because they are too self-righteous to ask for it. What they truly need is the humility to recognise and repent of their arrogance and pride.

Humility leads to submission and submission leads to life with God.

According to the Apostle James, when we submit to God, He gives more grace and helps us to become who He created us to be in Christ. Then God's favour and blessings can flow freely and richly without reservation.