God has put deep within our human spirits a longing for our true identity.
Sooner or later, we ask life’s big questions, “Who am I? What is my life really about? Why am I here? Where am I heading? How will people remember me?” History tells us of many who seek answers to these questions, and yet of all the philosophers and wise men, Solomon insightfully concluded a life apart from God is a life without meaning.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 New King James Version
Before the foundation of the world, God already thought of you, and before you were formed in your mother’s womb, He already knew you. Since God is eternal, when He puts eternity in your heart, His deepest desire is for you to discover His love and to experience it in the fullest way possible. For this to happen, you need to let go of every preconceived idea about God and focus on what is revealed about Him from the pages of Scriptures. To ensure we don’t misunderstand His intention or purpose, God sent His Son Jesus to speak for Him (Hebrews 12:2).
Jesus is God’s love language of you.
In Ephesians 2:10, Paul says that you are God’s workmanship.
The Greek word for “workmanship” is poeima which literally means poetry. When you are created in Christ, you become the “poetry of God’s Word” because Jesus as the Logos or the Living Word of God (John 1:1-3) is written all over you. This means every word that God utters about you in Christ will never fail.
When you resonate with the truth of the person you are in Christ, you will realize the purpose of God’s love is His power to make everything in your life beautiful in His time. This frees you from an orphan spirit and slavish attitude of fear. Rather you become a healthy son or daughter of God who completely abandon all cares and concerns to Him and begin to enjoy the abundant life in Christ.