Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)


God is not the cause of your misery and suffering. Rather, God is the healer of your broken heart and fractured soul. While life is full of hardships, you do not have to face them alone since God is always present to comfort you in your troubles.

When you allow God to comfort you through His precious promises and the accomplished work of Christ on the cross, you will have the grace and victory to endure and triumph over any affliction that life throws at you.

When the Apostle Paul describes God as the Father of tender mercy and endless comfort, he was speaking from his own personal experience. For example, during the time he was languishing in a Roman dungeon, Paul wrote many epistles to encourage the saints and strengthen their faith in Christ. This is why he could urge the Corinthians to comfort others with the same comfort that they themselves have received from God.

The Greek word for "comfort" is paraklēsis which means "called alongside or to stand beside someone". In other words, as God stands with you, you should learn to stand with others in their sorrows and sufferings. To comfort someone is not just about finding the right words to say or knowing the right thing to do. It is about making God's loving presence clearly felt by them through your willingness to unite with them in their sorrows.

Is there someone God wants you to comfort and heal in return?

It can be difficult to comfort people while you are still dealing with your own personal loss and sadness. Simply step out with faith and obedience. This is because God never asked you to perform anything that required your effort or energy to do it. Everything you do is from God, so you can praise Him for what He has done in and through you.