One of the imponderables of our life in Christ is why God doesn't answer our prayers the way we are hoping. Even if you are wondering why your prayers have yet to be answered, don't be discouraged but keep on praying because God is still listening even though He is telling you right now to wait or not.
Instead of worrying about your prayers, just focus on who God is.
When there is a gap in our understanding of God's perfect love, we pray as if the results depend on us. If you think God would only answer your prayer because you have prayed long enough or right enough, then your approach to prayer is wrong. In doing so, you are reducing prayer into a religious performance and an exhibition of your self-efforts to reach God. This is because you are thinking God is only good when you are good. The thing is, God doesn’t need you to stress and strain for Him to answer your prayers.
Let me encourage you.
Even if you are uncertain where God is with your prayers, be assured that God is ever-present with you every day, from the day you took your first breath to the day you take your last breath.
Consider this promise from the Prophet Isaiah:
Listen to Me...who have been upheld by Me from birth, who have been carried from the womb: Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.
Isaiah 46:3-4 New King James Version
Just as God promised to stay with His people in olden times, God will abide with you continually, no matter what circumstances you are in. Instead of fretting over unanswered prayers, it is far more comforting to know that having God with you outweighs your biggest concern in life.
This truth will liberate your prayer life.
More than just making requests or communicating needs, prayer opens the way to a deeper and richer relationship with God. In the intimate security of this relationship, prayer is no longer about you trying your best to convince God, but you become so fully persuaded of His unfailing love—that you know all will be well because you are loved by the One who can make all things beautiful in His time.