God's kingdom isn't just a lot of words. It is power.
1 Corinthians 4:20 (CEV)
Jesus empowered His disciples to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom and perform works in His name. Similarly, we are charged with the same mission: to reach others for Him by announcing and demonstrating His Kingdom.
The Apostle Paul tells us the message of the Kingdom consists not only of words but also of deeds. It seeks out every opportunity to advance the gospel in all spheres of influence. Unfortunately, many Christians do not believe the Holy Spirit is alive within them and actively working through them to bear witness to the gospel. That is why they cannot believe God will use them in ways they never imagined possible.
If we want to see a positive and spiritual transformative impact upon our community or city, we need to overcome the stifling limitations we impose on ourselves and God. It starts with maturing in our minds and our faith in God. It is your belief in God that all things are possible—and allowing Him to work through you. If you are willing to take the step of obedience, you may be surprised by what God can do and is doing.
Words can make you sound smart, but deeds have far-reaching effects when done with love and kindness.
Learn to truly serve those around us, regardless of how they respond to the gospel and God's grace. Actively seek meaningful friendships with people who do not share our faith. Do not be afraid to be honest about your problems and struggles. Instead, use the opportunity to explain how difficult times are touch points where you can ask God to heal and restore you. If possible, ask if you can pray for them, and follow up with them as needed. You might be surprised to learn how many people are encouraged when someone prays for them.