There is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus.
1Timothy 2:5 (NLT)
The New Covenant rests on the sure and certain work of Jesus as Mediator.
Sin created a massive chasm between us and God, yet our human efforts were insufficient to mend the separation. But, out of His great and abundant love and mercy, God sent Jesus to redeem us from our sins. God's saving wok was completed in Christ's death and resurrection, so there is now a new and living way for everyone to return to God and be reconciled with Him.
We are convinced that nothing can separate us from God's love since God chose not to count our sins against us and has forgiven them through Christ. We now enjoy peace with God and can approach Him without fear. Whatever inadequacies and insufficiencies we may have, God deals with us on the basis of our new identity and union in Christ.
Jesus incorporates us into His death and resurrection, so that we may live and participate in His resurrection life through faith. With the amazing power of His resurrection life working within us, we can live with joy, freedom, and victory. His Spirit will help us overcome sinful habits and avoid those sins that ensnare and eventually drag us down.
As we remember Christ's death this Good Friday, let us reflect on how much God loves us. It will not only radically transform our perception of God, but also of ourselves. We no longer see ourselves as sinners or slaves before God, but rather as sons and heirs of the Father. Then our desire to please God grows as our understanding of His perfect love grows.