Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again.

Acts 9:17-18 (NIV)

Many of Jesus' followers experience people-blindness, just like those who are colour-blind. We are unable to comprehend the needs of people who are socially or culturally different from ourselves because of this spiritual malady.

The Judaizers are a good example of this. They were Jewish Christians who wanted Gentile Christians to adopt a Jewish identity and adhere to Jewish traditions in order to be accepted into the church. The Apostle Paul would have none of it, and he bravely fought the Judaizers while also assuring the Gentile believers that they were welcomed into the church on the basis of the gospel and that God accepted them without condition.

One major reason Christians are not actively participating in reaching out to the lost and being intentional in disciple-making is people-blindness. It is good to ask yourself this one crucial question, "Do I have any people-blindness in me?"

We need to ask God to remove the scale from our eyes and clearly see people as He sees them. Paul took the gospel to the Gentiles after having his eyes opened, which he would not have done if he had remained a Pharisee. His upbringing and religious training prohibited him from mixing with Gentiles for fear of becoming spiritually defiled and displeasing to God.

The gospel gives us more power than we could have ever imagined. Christ has triumphed over any real or imagined barriers that keep us from connecting with others or keeping us apart from them. We are to carry out the ministry of reconciliation and serve as Christ's representatives in the world.

What an incredible assignment God has given us. Imagine waking up every day and asking: "Father, who are you sending me to where you are already at work and what should I say to them?" Trust God to orchestrate your steps and open doors of opportunity for you.

What if nothing happens today, you might wonder? Just pray the same prayer the following day and the day after that. I am fully persuaded that it would not take too long for you to see God at work in the midst of things, doing something that surpasses your abilities and expectations.