For out of His fullness [abundance] we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favour upon favour and gift [heaped] upon gift.
John 1:16 (AMP)
God has provided every provision for you to enjoy His blessings through Christ. To be blessed means to be highly favoured by God and to be favourably treated by Him.
When the word "blessed" comes in the New Testament, it speaks of the spiritually rich life that belongs to every believer. "Blessed" comes from the Greek word “makarios,” which refers to an affluent and educated class. They were the celebrities and socialites of the day. Because of their social standing and wealth, these fortunate individuals lived life to the fullest, worry-free and without limits.
Jesus used the same word “makarios” to describe the believer's life of benefits in the Sermon on the Mount. However, Jesus' use of the word constituted a challenge to the prevalent understanding of its meaning at the time.
This blessed life in Christ was His answer to our spiritual poverty apart from God. It is something much deeper, something that heals our deepest wounds and satisfies our deepest wants. This is why Jesus could call the poor, the mourning, the meek, the hungry, the thirsty, and the persecuted blessed despite their circumstances. He was concerned about their needs, but He was proclaiming a new season of God's favour for those who believed in Him.
You too are highly favoured in Christ. It is through His finished work that you can rest on a new and better covenant, with better promises and a better hope (Hebrews 8:6). Therefore, learn to rejoice and experience the truth of your life in Christ no matter your circumstances.