Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Galatians 5:16 (ESV)


Holiness is not perfection, but progression.

Our pursuit of the Christian life is not to be without sin, but to sin no more. When the Holy Spirit transforms us into new creations in Christ, we no longer have our sinful nature, but we still have our sinful habits. Thus, we must learn to overcome our sinful habits by living in the reality of our victory in Christ.

Our victory was purchased for us through His finished work of the cross. It is not something we earn, but a gift we received by faith.

Holiness is not about keeping a score card of our victories and defeats. When we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the sinful desires of our flesh. All our fleshly desires have already been crucified with Christ, and as a result, our sinful habits hold no power over us. So, if we ever claim to be defeated by this sin or that sin, the reality is that we are not defeated; rather, we are disobedient to the truth of who we are and have in Christ. We must keep renewing our mind with the gospel to enjoy every blessing and benefit that the Lord has won for us.

We cannot produce holiness by our own efforts; rather, the Holy Spirit instills it in us. This God-empowered holiness is the supernatural ability to conquer every sin and temptation. This enables us to experience ever-increasing wholeness, spiritual health, and strength.