Nothing is said in the four gospels about Jesus between His death and resurrection. But we know the disciples were terrified, confused, and lost. Some, including Peter, were pondering returning to their previous way of life. We, like these disciples, can be surprised at how little faith we have despite hearing the gospel many times. This is especially true for us when God seems silent, and life appears dark.
God still speak in the silence and the dark.
But we are too distracted and too discouraged to listen.
Often, it is in these moments of doubt and uncertainty that we reveal our true thoughts about God and our relationship with Him.
Instead of becoming anxious and fearful, let us rest on God's promise that He will not forget or forsake us. The heart cry of Jesus for the Father reminds us that we can hold on to God's unfailing love despite our hardships or seemingly unanswered prayers. God never forsook Jesus even when He felt forsaken. This gives us hope and strength to boldly call out to God when we feel overwhelmed by life's difficulties and pain.
God is not only with us, but He is for us.
Even when we believe nothing is happening, something is happening. After all, we know God is doing everything for our good and His glory. We only need to learn to be patient and wait on God. Our journey of faith must lead us to perceive life from God's perspective. This is because our emotions can distort our understanding of God's love and limit our ability to receive from Him.
The silence between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday may be daunting and uncomfortable, but it is necessary. It is about recognising our vulnerability, fears and the need for healing and transformation. When we do so, we shall encounter God's welcoming love in a new light.