Outdo one another in showing honour.
Romans 12:10
There are lots of people in our church who spend countless hours preparing, practicing and praying each week for our worship services and various ministries. They do it because they are compelled by the love of Christ and deep affection for God's people. In serving wholeheartedly, they help create an ambience where the rest of us can worship God in His awesome presence. If we truly appreciate their efforts, then we are to find opportunities to honour them and support them the best way we can.
When we have a culture of honour, we are actually releasing people to do the very things that God has gifted them to do. In the absence of giving honour or showing respect, we may become hypercritical and ungracious in accepting mistakes or the shortcomings we see in others. There is a place for correction but if we truly value and honour God's call in someone's life, we need to do it in a loving and edifying manner.
The Apostle Paul tells us to outdo one another in showing honour. The Greek word for outdo is "proēgeomai". It means when it comes to honouring others, we are to lead the way and even do better than the rest, not to wait for someone else to do it.
There are many ways we can honour people and celebrate who they are and what they bring to make a real difference in our lives and in the lives of others. You can extend the love of God to them through phone calls, personal thank you notes or a meal. Your affirmation and encouragement will cause them to thrive and ultimately succeed in all that they want to do for God.
When we outdo one another in showing honour, our church will resemble a true family of God where brothers and sisters love one another as they have been loved by Christ.