All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV)


While Scripture is important to us, the Spirit is just as crucial to our spiritual growth and maturity. It is the Spirit that makes the Scripture alive, turning the written word into the living word for our understanding and intimacy with God.

Certain Christians, however, hold opposing views on the function of Scripture and the Spirit. They either elevate Scripture over the Spirit, resulting in dead orthodoxy. Or they emphasise the Spirit above the Scripture, leading to spiritual apostasy. Both extremes should be avoided.

The Spirit use the Scripture to help us grow in righteousness. He enlightens and directs us to live by the word, not in a burdensome, legalistic, or condemning manner, but in a refreshing and living way. The more we read and study the Scripture and listen to the Spirit teaching us, the more we are able to know and do what is pleasing to our Father.

Living by divine guidance and practising the revelations of faith righteousness enables us to live and love graciously and truthfully. This frees us from the constraints of dry and dense legalistic restrictions, as well as the intoxicating chaos of uninhibited indulgence of fleshy desires. In this way, we are made strong, effective, and active in our Christian life.