Jesus, like all Jewish boys his age, was taught the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms. It was only a matter of time before Jesus found His place in the His Father’s Word. The more He knew the Scriptures, the more He knew His identity, and the more He learned the Scriptures, the more He learned about His ministry.
After forty days in the desert, Jesus returned to Nazareth, and the opportunity arose for Him to declare the truth of His calling. When Jesus read from Isaiah 61 to the people in the village synagogue on the Sabbath, he was essentially presenting His mission statement to them. After reading this passage from the Bible, Jesus told the people:
Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.
Luke 4:22 (NKJV)
Luke described how the people were amazed by the gracious words that Jesus spoke. What they heard gave them a lot of hope and encouragement.
“Fulfilled” conveys the idea of completion.
Jesus is both the Fulfiller and the Fulfilment of the Scriptures since He came to complete its intended purpose. Everything about our life in Christ is defined by what He has fulfilled for us.
Pause and ponder over what God has done for you in Christ. He was born for you. He lived for you. He suffered for you. He died for you. He rose to life again for you. He went back to heaven for you, and He is coming back for you.
Rejoice that He will carry you through, no matter what the circumstance or situation may be. In sin, He is your Saviour. In bondage, He is your Liberator. In doubt, He is your Wisdom. In guilt, He is your Righteousness. In fear, He is your Peace. In sadness, He is your Comforter. In sickness, He is your Healer. In suffering, He is your Redeemer. In uncertainty, He is your Lord. In need, He is your Provider. In weakness, He is your Strength. In stress, He is your Rest.
Learn to declare every day every good thing which is yours in Christ.