Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30 (ESV)


Rest restores our focus to God and serves as a holy reminder that we were created to embrace and enjoy Him. Out of this connection and contentment, we are free of the dilemma of thinking work is more important than it is while ignoring the need for rest and renewal. By following God's original goal for work and rest, we can see both as worthwhile endeavours that strengthen our relationship and service to Him.

Rest is holy interruption. It is to intentionally withdraw from the responsibilities of our daily lives to be with Jesus and learn rest and grace from Him. We do not have to do anything else because we have already entered Christ's eternal Sabbath rest through faith. Thus, rest is a gift that should be completely experienced rather than a goal to be pursued.

How do we experience this rest?

Discover how Jesus maintains a restful spirit in the face of daily challenges.

Develop a daily awareness of God by resting in His presence every morning and evening (and everywhere in between). Continue to allow God into your thoughts and feelings as you go about your daily routine and be ready for Him to lead you in His direction. By doing so, we will discover that rest is both resisting and not resisting. We resist trying to control how life unfolds and not resisting what God is doing right now. This explains why Jesus was productive and effective in every way. A restful posture enables Him to move at God's pace, speed, and timings, He was never rushed or under pressure to do God's work.

If we learn to rest in God and then work with Him, we can accomplish so much, blessing so many people and even inspiring many more, all while experiencing the unhurried life that Christ desires for each of us.