God heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wound.

Psalm 147:3 (CEV)


The world is filled with angry and disappointed people. If their wounded souls remain unhealed and unsettled, they will grow bitter and resentful, unable of moving on to genuine happiness.

While it is normal to feel hurt and resentful when you have been wronged by others, but if you continue to be hurt, you are rehearsing your pain over and over again. It is good to open your heart to God and let Him to comfort and touch you with His amazing love.

In Psalm 147, David reminds us that God cares about us and desires to accomplish good in our lives. He found grace and fortitude to sing to the Lord in the midst of his own grief and pain. Like David, we can reach out to God for solace and consolation. Sometimes God will miraculously take our pain away, and other times God will journey with us through our pain. While we may have to endure suffering and trials, we can still have hope because of the gospel.

Both the incarnation and atonement of Christ shows us how God steps into our sinful brokenness to heal us. During His earthly ministry, Jesus described the multitude in Matthew 9 as “sheep without a shepherd.” They had no one to help them get through their ordeals and pain. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus would care for and provide for them, even sacrificing His life for them.

Knowing that Jesus came for us allows us to resr on God's love to get us through seasons of life when everything just seems to be falling apart. Only believe and trust His Spirit to work within us to bring healing, restoration, and wholeness.