Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with everything God has for you.
Ephesians 3:19 Easy-to-Read Version
When was the last time you personally felt loved by God?
Sometimes, we have been Christians for so long that we have lost the sense of intimacy and closeness in wanting to draw near to God. This disconnection comes from us, and not God. The analogy is like we have started behaving like orphans would, even though we have already been fully adopted as sons and daughters in God’s Kingdom and family.
An orphan spirit affects our understanding of God's love and our ability to receive His love.
God is love. In His love for us in Christ, He wants to see the fullness of His character expressed in our actions, our attitudes, and our relationships with others. We cannot claim to love God if we cannot bring ourselves to love all kinds of people around us.
Have you asked God to reveal His fullness of love and revelation to you?
God's love is not something that can be taught, it's something that can only be experienced. Truth is, you already have the fullness of God in Christ inside of you. What you need to do is to walk in the light of the truth and you will experience the grace to love others as God loves them.
If we find it hard to love, it is because we are resisting the grace to be kind, thoughtful and considerate of others. But when we surrender our resistance to God's love, we will find grace to help us when we need it.
Pray that you will experience the fullness of God's love in a real, personal way.
God knows your love language. And God is able to get across to you in such a way that you will feel and experience His love in the manner in which you can receive it to the fullest. God desires for you to experience the love He has for you. Experiencing God's love is the most foundational part of the Christian life. And if we do not build our faith on God's love, we cannot trust God or believe that He is good or cares about you.
The Cross is the best evidence of God's love for us.
Indeed, it is our confidence in the gospel that God's love becomes real, in an experiential way, to us. Then, our lives become the expression of God's love to others. People may not hear and understand the gospel instantly but they can experience the gospel through our love for them.