“And [the father] said to [the older brother] Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.

Luke 15:31


A life with God provides perspective for how we live for Him.

If we live for God without first learning how to live with Him, our identity is defined by what we do and how God will reward or penalise our performance. This mindset produces two opposing feelings, which can be painful and perplexing. If we think we have done well, we will swell with pride, and if we don't, we will wallow in self-doubt and guilt.

A life with God prioritises intimacy over ministry.

It is when you look to God for who He is rather than what you can do for Him. This relationship is transformational rather than transactional. By transformation, we mean having an authentic desire and passion for God and allowing Him to change everything about us so that we reflect our identity in Christ. This will open our eyes to the truth of His kindness and our hearts to His unfailing love.

God always provides before He asks us to give.

In His remarkable parable of the father and two sons (Luke 15:11-32), Jesus teaches us that our primary spiritual posture is to receive. We have a generous Father, but many of us are poor receivers, which makes life and ministry difficult and draining since we give what we do not receive.

Knowing your Father God's great and generous love opens your heart to receive faith for your fear, strength for your weaknesses, joy for your sorrow and healing for your hurts. In other words, rather than worrying about whether you meet God's expectations, a life with God prepares you to live an incredible life for Him.