Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...

Matthew 28:19 (RSV)


Mission has nothing to do with location and everything to do with obedience. In the other words, a missional life is not something optional or as an afterthought. It is integral to our identity as Christians.

We cannot follow Jesus without inviting others to do the same.

A missional life is more than just going on a mission trip to a third world country. Rather the missional life is to completely align ourselves with what Jesus has purposed for us. Here the gospel infiltrates every aspect of our lives with values and convictions that resonates God’s kingdom. When we adopt this way of life, we learn to thrive in Jesus and look for opportunities to plant seeds while trusting God to reap what has been sown. However, we don’t treat people as numbers or projects. In Jesus' name, we embrace them with love and care, praying and waiting for them to respond positively to the gospel.

We already have all we need to live a missional life.

Once we are born again in Christ, we have His Spirit in us empowering us to live the good news and be examples of it. As a result, wherever we are and whatever we do, we purposefully declare and demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom of God.

Bear in mind, a missional life does not start with service. It begins with worship, and this overflow into a life of loving obedience, commitment and service. If worship is absent, then we are driven by wrong motivations and whatever we do inevitably becomes unsustainable and unhealthy.

Learn to keep your worship fresh and authentic, and it will inspire you to live well for God.