Jesus travelled throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness among the people.
Matthew 4:23 (EHV)
In Christ, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and in him, when you also believed, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 1:13 (EHV)
There is no conflict between the gospel of salvation and the gospel of the kingdom. Both helps us see Jesus in two different ways. While the gospel of salvation reveals Jesus as our Saviour, the gospel of the kingdom declares Jesus as our Lord. The gospel of salvation is about converting people. The gospel of the kingdom is about producing disciples.
The problem is that we have so many who are more open to embracing the gospel of salvation than the gospel of the kingdom. They want to be saved by Jesus, yet they will not follow Him. To them, grace is simply a message of feeling good, rather than the power and presence of Jesus working in them from the inside out. They are more interested in indulging in their own brand of Christianity than in showing a readiness to reach the lost. This is why literally billions who need the gospel remain in the dark.
If we have one part of the gospel without the other, we are keeping ourselves from living in our true identity and inheritance in Christ. Then the Christian life is mostly underwhelming and dull, if not outright boring. This makes it really easy to fall out of faith when you have to face spiritual battles or worries.
The gospel is more than securing a seat in heaven.
It is the power of God’s grace that makes us more and more like Christ. Being Christlike enables us to intuitively do our Father’s will. There is no coercion or loss of freedom here. This is because we have the spirit of sonship living and working in us to do all things that are pleasing and according to His perfect purpose.
The gospel of salvation transforms each of us from within, and the gospel of the kingdom flows out from who we are in Christ and abiding in Him to transform our cities and nations.