The Law that God gave to Moses could not make us free like that. We were too weak to obey his Law because we are human. But God has done what his Law could not do. He sent his own Son to become a person like us. His human body was like the body of people who do wrong things. God's Son died as a sacrifice to take away the punishment for our sins. In that way, God destroyed the power of sin over people who are weak and human.
Romans 8:3 (EASY)
The Apostle Paul makes it clear that the law given by Moses does not have the power to save or change people. Though the law is good, holy, and just, yet it is “weak” because it cannot make imperfect people perfect. This is because, while the law makes us aware of our sin, it cannot remove the curse of sin and death, making us righteous and holy.
Only grace can do what the law cannot.
God demonstrates His love to us by sending his Son in human form to save us from ourselves. The law no longer has the authority to condemn us as sinners or subject us to its judgement since Jesus fulfilled all its demands. Jesus frees us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us and by taking away the punishment we deserve, He set us apart for good works.
Though we still sin, God no longer deals with us as under the law but under grace (cf. Romans 6:14). God will not use the law to judge us but rather save us from our sinful habits through His sanctifying work of grace within us. Grace has the power to impact lasting change in our hearts and minds, transforming us into people who are more like Jesus and bear fruits for His Name’s sake.