But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

1 Peter 1:15-16 (NIV)


God’s primary purpose is for us to enjoy Him while reflecting His holy nature. This calls for us to focus on Jesus who is our perfect example of holiness and allow His Holy Spirit to empower us to live holy lives.

Holiness is freedom.

Too many people believe that equates holiness with perfectionism. Perfectionism is not the same as holiness. At its core, it is about trying to earn the approval and acceptance that God has freely given to us. Being perfect is never the aim of holiness; rather, it is to grow a healthy relationship with God based on abiding trust and unwavering obedience.

Becoming holy is a journey, process, and progress.

While we are made holy in Christ, we must also learn to walk in the light of His holiness. Without holiness, we cannot see God and enjoy His goodness. This is because we are unaware or ignorant of what God may be doing in our lives, and not partnering with Him to fulfil His purpose. This holiness is not ordered by religious rules or revolved around external rituals. Rather, this prophetic holiness is the inner working of the Holy Spirit separating us to God and for God.

This separation is implicit in holiness since we are set apart to belong to God and called to be holy because He is holy. We get to imitate God our Father through our holy living and commitment to Him. This will produce fruits of holiness in us and lead us to live well.