Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

Hebrews 12:14 (NIV)


Most Christians define holiness as "not sinning".

The Bible, on the other hand, defines holiness as "being set apart" or "distinct from the world". As such, holiness represents everything that is diametrically opposed to the world. If the rest of the world is struggling with fear, worry, loneliness, and uncertainty, God in Christ has already prepared you for rest, joy, acceptance, and wholeness. Thus, we must learn to be holy and remain holy before God.

We are to pursue holiness (Hebrews 12:14). The Greek word for "pursue" is diōkō which means "to seek after earnestly, earnestly endeavour to acquire" (Strong's G1377). Holiness is not about earning our way with Him; rather it is living out the truth of our identity and calling before Him. It is a Spirit-led intimacy and obedience to do everything in love and with the desire to please God.

Being holy does not imply that we no longer sin or are free from temptation.

Holiness is both a gift and a blessing from God, allowing you to become more like Him. When you choose to live a life set apart for God, His love will help you overcome any obstacles to your spiritual growth and well-being. Instead of despair or discouragement, learn to rest ever-increasingly in God’s grace to transform you.

What is God saying to me here and what must I do?