[Jesus] saved us, not by deeds of righteousness that we have done, but because of his mercy, through the washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

Titus 3:5 (LEB)


As individual Christians and collectively as the whole people of God, let us open our hearts and pray for personal growth and renewal. This begins by recognising our identity in Christ and living in the truth of who we are and what we have in Him. As we are blessed and sustained by the abiding presence of His Spirit, our love for God increases and intensifies with each passing day.

This radical love empowers our faith to live in righteousness before God. We become careful in how we live and act so that everything we do is connected to our living and loving union with Christ. As the Holy Spirit renews us daily and continuously, His reviving grace and power will help us grow more in love with Jesus and become more passionate about Jesus.

Personal renewal leads to corporate renewal amongst God's people. That love in our hearts cannot be hidden. It will supernaturally naturally flow from us to others. Everyone will soon be able to taste and see God's goodness, as well as sense His presence and power at work in their midst. Then the impossible becomes possible.

When we welcome God with open arms and open hearts, He responds by extending His hand to work miracles, signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds among us. They are His way of telling us that He is with us and for us. It rests on us to translate our knowledge and encounters with God into practical acts of love and compassion so that others can also know and encounter Him.