Work for the good of the city where I’ve taken you as captives and pray to the Lord for that city. When it prospers, you will also prosper.

Jeremiah 29:7 (GW)


Even though Israel had left their homeland, the Prophet Jeremiah reminded them that their vocation and mission as a holy nation of priests (Exodus 19:6) remained the same.

God encouraged Israel to intercede on Babylon's behalf throughout their exile, knowing that if Babylon prospered, so would they. Similarly, wherever God has placed you, learn to pray and intercede for the well-being and spiritual transformation of others before God.

Prayer was an essential part of the ministry of the Old Testament priests, and Jesus bestowed the new covenant believers with their priestly identity and status when He gave them the Holy Spirit. This explains why the early Christians were so united in prayer. They not only prayed for God’s kingdom to come but they also demonstrated the transforming power of the kingdom in every sphere of society.

Consider the words of the Apostle Paul to the Romans:

I am to do the priestly work of proclaiming the gospel of God so that the Gentiles would be an acceptable offering, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:16 (EHV)


In the same manner that Old Testament priests were to offer sacrifices to God, we as New Covenant priests (under our great High Priest Jesus) should see our ministry to the lost as a priestly service to God, and those who have been saved as an offering to God. The Great Commission applies not only to pastors, missionaries, and other church professionals, but to all believers.