The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

Romans 8:26 (MEV)


What happens when the people of God pray?

The story of the early church teaches us that incredible things happen when we believe and trust God to do the impossible.

Too often we underestimate the efficacy and power of prayer. Time spent in prayer is never wasted. It enables us to experience the depth and intimacy of our oneness with the Trinity. After all, we wouldn’t even pray at all if it were not for the Spirit nudging us to do so. He is our Helper sent to us by Jesus and the Father (cf. John 14:16–27; 16:5–15) to teach us how to pray.

As the Apostle Paul says, we do not always know how to pray, but the Holy Ghost within us helps us to pray. We all go through times when we feel overwhelmed, confused, and lost. We desire God’s help, but we don’t know what to say. When we lack the words, the Spirit groans with us and for us. He makes our prayer acceptable to God the Father, to whom we have access through our faith in Jesus Christ. And if we let the Holy Spirit continually have His way in and through us, then our prayers will align themselves with God's will and God's desires. This frees us from the fear of praying amiss or praying wrongly.

Keep praying and don’t worry about how God will respond.

When God seems silent and our prayers seem unheard, learn to find rest in His perfect love. The most important part of prayer is not the result it produces, but the intimacy it creates.