The love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Romans 5:5 (NKJV)
The early church fathers described the unique and dynamic relationship of the Trinity as an eternal circle dance of love, also known as perichoresis.
Perichoresis describes the loving relationship among the Three Persons of the Trinity. Though the three persons play separate and distinct roles, they function as one God, equal in divinity, substance, and will but distinct in their relationships with one another.
We see the Trinity’s role in creation, redemption, and final restoration. God the Father, the ultimate source of divine love (1 John 4:8, 16), sent His only Begotten Son, who is the perfect image and likeness of love, to reach out to a broken world in darkness. The Holy Spirit was sent to glorify the Son, and He does so by dwelling within us, allowing us to walk in love and light and bear fruit of love.
By believing the gospel, we are incorporated into the Trinity's fellowship and join their eternal circle dance. Whenever we come together as a people of God, we become the living expression and continuation of this Trinitarian love for one another and all others. This is why Jesus made love his last and greatest commandment for His Church (John 13:35).
Our belief and experience of the Trinity is affirmed, not only doctrinally but practically, when we love without fear, insecurity, and doubt. Once again, it is not a goal to pursue, because the love of God is already perfected in us (Romans 5:5; 1 John 4:12, 17). The world is waiting for us to manifest the truth of our sonship and identity in Christ.