But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV)


Self-control is the ninth attribute of the fruit of the Spirit.

Self-control is defined in Greek as egkrateia, which means "having dominion within or mastery over." It conveys the concept of a person mastering his or her emotions and passions. In other words, that individual has taken control of the things that either hurt or hinder spiritual growth and maturity. Again, such ability is accomplished through the Holy Spirit's power in us.

Self-control is important because allowing our emotions to drive our thoughts and decisions increases our chances of making mistakes and having bad relationships.

David spared Saul’s life on several occasions by exercising self-control. But when he lusted after Bathsheba, he lost control and committed adultery with her, and later plotted Uriah's death. Cain murdered his brother Abel after losing control of his jealousy. Moses' role as the leader of the children of Israel into the Promised Land was forfeited when he lost control of his temper. Samson lost his hair, his incredible strength from God, and his sight when he lost control of his tongue.

Self-control is the Holy Spirit's shield over our hearts, helping us to repel temptations and stay on the God-ordained path that brings life, peace, and genuine joy. This Spirit-filled self-control allows you to walk circumspectly before God, resisting any unwholesome urges within you as well as negative peer pressure. In the context of Galatians, the Apostle Paul saw the importance of self-control because it keeps believers from falling prey to the works of the flesh.

Free yourself from the captivity of the flesh through the captivating love of God in Christ. By walking continually with His Spirit and allowing Him to transform and empower you into the likeness of His Son and you will find the grace and strength for your breakthroughs and victory.