The kingdom of Heaven is like yeast, taken by a woman and put into three measures of flour until the whole lot had risen.

Matthew 13:33 (J.B Phillips New Testament)


Jesus compared God's Kingdom to the permeating effects of yeast on a dough.

There is a transformative element in the gospel that is inherently constructive and disruptive. While Christianity has historically influenced prevailing cultural realities and social systems (and will continue to do so in the future), its impact extends beyond institutional structures. There is also a restless prophetic summon for us to reform these systems and structures with the eternal values of the kingdom of God.

We may be as small as yeast, yet just as yeast enables the dough to rise to its full potential, we can have a significant effect on the world around us. It is not about creating an earthly utopia but revealing the unseen reality of God’s presence and power to a broken and hurting world. It is to live in the tension between involvement and detachment. We want to be involved in bringing about change in our society, but we must also keep the things of this world in perspective, knowing that our ultimate destination is to be with the Lord. Thus, while we have a mission for the world, we also have a vision for the world to come.

How can we make a difference in the lives of individuals we care about and work with?

Making a difference is never simple or straightforward.

Love must be our motivation and underlying foundation if we want to bless people and do them good. After all, we are involved in the marvellous and awesome work of God. Marvellous, because of what it produces in eternity. Awesome, because we are doing the very works Christ commands us to do. You do not need a huge platform to make change possible. God can work brilliantly through you even if you remain hidden and unknown in the background. When we are open and obedient to the Spirit's prompting, the power of the gospel is unleashed for amazing things to happen.