For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18 (NIV)


The message of the cross will always appear foolish to some, and a stumbling block to others. If we were to reduce the gospel to suit our preferences, we deprive ourselves and others of its force by transforming it into a spiritually weak and emaciated religion. This leaves us open to false ideas and practices that keep us from enjoying a life-transforming relationship with God.

Each of the New Testament epistles contains three continuous emphases. First, God's grace invariably results in holiness and good works in our life. Second, we must be wary of individuals who spread false gospel beliefs. Third, we must reject their doctrines and embrace the reality of our freedom in Christ.

Paul describes those who misinterpret the gospel as "enemies of the cross." (Philippians 3:18-19) They scorn the finished work of the cross by the way they live and act, having little regard for the freedom Christ has won for them. In doing so, they abuse God's grace to justify their sinful lifestyle and indulge in things they should be ashamed of. We must learn to resist their spurious reasonings and stay focused on the truth of God's grace.

Grace does not free us to sin; rather, it frees us from sin.

Anyone who uses God's grace to justify their fleshly behaviour has a fundamental misunderstanding of what grace is. When your life truly reflects the gospel, you will discover a freedom that you never imagined possible. Freedom from sin and sinful habits. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from fear. Freedom from shame. That is the point and purpose of grace.

You were created by grace, with grace, and for grace. When you see your life as a work of God's grace, you will discover how His grace transforms you into a new way of thinking and living that keeps you free.