He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 (NKJV)


The most common mistake made by believers is to procrastinate rather than progress. They put off doing anything until everything is perfect. However, such delays will cause them to miss out on many amazing opportunities and possibilities since they never appear ready or willing to pursue their God-given purpose.

Solomon observed that procrastinators are good in making excuses. They are usually adept at telling you why they cannot succeed, rather than why they can. They allow things to happen rather than making them happen.

A procrastinator is never a victim of circumstances; rather, he or she chooses them. They procrastinate not out of fear of failure, but because they regard themselves as failures. Their real problem is excessive perfectionism.

While some perfectionists devote all their efforts to "doing it right," procrastinators believe that if they cannot "do it right", they will not do it at all. In this sense, they are locked in a vicious circle of wanting to be better than perfect. They plan to do but never get around to doing anything. Studies shows procrastinators are more likely to experience stress, burnout, and health problems than the average person. The solution is to return to our identity in Christ.

Our identity rests fully on God’s perfect and unfailing love for us.

Thank God we are saved by His grace, not by our deeds. If we had to work for our salvation, you can image where procrastinators would spend their eternity. The gospel defines everything about us in Christ. Therefore, we no longer need to entertain any unworthy thoughts or feelings against ourselves. We cannot fail when God remains faithful and more than enough for our every need.