For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!

Romans 5:17 (NIV)


Christ wants us to reign in life through His grace.

The Apostle Paul tells us when sin abounds, grace abound even more (Romans 5:20). This does not imply that we have the right to sin. Instead, when we sin, God's grace is more than enough to cover our transgressions and return us to righteousness. It is through this empowering presence of God working in and through us that we can overcome every temptation and have a right standing with God.

Unfortunately, in certain Christian circles, grace is burdened down by legalistic ideas and practices. They filtered grace through the Law of Moses, reducing the finished work of Jesus into a religion of works and self-righteousness. They rendered grace ineffective in growing us into holiness and made the gift of salvation into something we earn through our efforts.

We receive the fullness of God's grace and favour when we live and reign in righteousness through Christ. This grace-filled lifestyle moves us to greater expressions of faithfulness and fruitfulness, where we are not striving to earn God’s love, but thriving in God’s love. This means, having the ever-abiding presence of God in us, we become conquerors over everything that is set against us.