Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28 (NIV)


Christianity is not about making bad people good or good people better. Rather, it is the good news that makes spiritually dead people alive. The message of the Cross is loud and clear. It is through His death and resurrection that Jesus makes us alive with Him. Our sins are forgiven, and our debt is paid in full. We have been delivered from the judgement we deserve, and we have been honoured with grace that we do not deserve.

Be who you are in Christ and learn to receive and rest on His righteousness alone. This single act of genuine obedience to Christ liberates you from the captivity of legalism. Unfortunately, many would go back to carrying the unbearable weight of legalism rather than resting in God’s free gift of righteousness in Christ. They somehow embrace the good news without embracing grace. Because they appear to have a spiritual blind spot that draws them away from a loving and life-giving relationship with Jesus, they find it more comfortable to focus on what to do and not do.

Any conscious attempt to be good Christians without Christ is a mocking travesty of God’s grace and the gospel. This is because legalism is not just a reduction of the gospel, it is “another gospel” which is “no gospel” at all.

What we do does not please God if our motive is to impress Him with our works. We understand that good works will never earn God's favour or forgiveness. But, because we have God’s favour and forgiveness, we endeavour to do good always in every opportunity. So, renounce any confidence in your ability to do anything apart from Christ.

Continue to follow Jesus and walk in faith.

His presence and power within you will produce an ever-increasing sense of peace and restfulness. Such a radical heart transformation will refine you into His likeness and beauty.