Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
Mark 1:17 New King James Version
The reason why God saves you is for you to be a part of God’s grander redemptive story for the world. We are to commit ourselves to answer that call as we follow Jesus into the world as His agents of peace and reconciliation.
God is not looking for perfection, but participation.
The fishermen who became disciples eventually became “fisher of men”. By participating with Jesus in His work, they experience their personal transformation through His teachings and example along the way.
Many Christians split salvation and mission into two different parts. However, we cannot be partakers of God’s salvation without at the same time being participants in God’s mission.
Salvation and mission are intimately connected and mutually reinforcing. A turning to God is often followed by a turning towards those who are near and dear to us. We cannot fully enjoy God’s gift of salvation and not join in God’s call to mission. Our practical involvement in mission enriches our understanding of salvation. Thus, faith leads to faithful actions; and faithful actions deepen faith.
How are you living out your faith?
Look to Jesus as the founder and finisher of your faith.
Jesus promised that as we follow Him, He will “make” us to “become” fishers of men. Here Jesus uses two Greek words for “make” (poieo) and “become” (ginomai). Poieo means “to construct or create something into a beautiful work of art”. Ginomai means “to bring into existence or become”. In this sense, Jesus is saying that He has the will and the ability and capability to make us become who we are meant to be in Him.
As God, Jesus possesses the power to call the things that do not yet exist as though they already do (Romans 4:17). Thus, we have no excuse as to why God cannot use us for His Kingdom purpose. No matter if you are shy or talkative, or you are educated or not, if you are a follower of Jesus, He will use your story for His glory.